Welcome to Where My Nomads At!

Many of us relocate from time to time, to a new physical, but also a new social environment. Wouldn’t it be nice to connect beforehand with people who already live in your future city? People with shared interests, or even potential project partners? Well, this is your chance: Use this network to connect with travelers and digital nomads from all around the world!


How does it work?

An account allows you to

searchLook for other travelers

Use the map to search specific locations. Traveler searches may be filtered according to age or gender preferences.

locationLet other travelers know where you’re currently at

Your own profile contains your travel history and allows you to share your proposed future locations.

talkConnect with other travelers

Introduce yourself to other travelers in a short text and let them know your plans and interests. Would you like to grab a coffee? Looking for a travel partner? Need someone to introduce you to some locals? In near future you will also be able to add your favorite travelers to your fav-list.

All Free!

This entire service is free and without hidden costs, you just need to register and you’re ready to go.

We are constantly working on improving this site for you. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us!

The Team

We are digital nomads just like you, with internet businesses that enable us to work from any connection. John and James run the Austrian internet casino business Online Casino Österreich (online-casino-osterreich.at) and Abel runs the sister project Casino Online Portugal (casino-online-portugal.pt).

These are real life examples of how people can run online businesses from any location!